Nikki Zheng

Nikki Zheng

Bloomberg Harvard City Hall Fellow 2024-2026
Port St. Lucie, Florida

Master in Design Studies, Class of 2024
Harvard Graduate School of Design


Following her passion for parks and open spaces, Nikki Zheng pursued a professional degree in landscape architecture from the University of Florida and has worked as a designer on both domestic and international projects, ranging from community to urban scales. At the Harvard Graduate School of Design, she expanded her research on the multifaceted dimensions of public spaces and explored innovative strategies for creating them amidst continued urban growth. Nikki advocates for creative and impactful partnerships among the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, and she is dedicated to applying the skillsets of a landscape architect to the complex process of shaping functional and meaningful public spaces.

Initial Fellowship Focus: The fellow will assist the city team in engaging community members to enhance green space within the city and develop new strategies and mechanisms to partner with residents and developers. 

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